Security Blanket - Cougar and hidden rabbit by wildlife artist Bonnie Marris

Security Blanket by Bonnie Marris
The titles of Bonnie Marris' wildlife and wilderness prints often have more than one meaning. Security Blanket  is no exception. The thick, freshly fallen snow that allows this cougar's quarry to escape its pursuer's view also symbolizes a security blanket for the artist.
"There's something so secure about deep, clean, untouched snow," says Marris. "In spirng and summer, there's a sense of release and freedom, but in winter you're covered and protected. There's always something about winter that makes me feel safe."
"I painted this to have a cozy feeling about it, even though the cougar has been chasing this little rabbit for awhile, I like to think that the cat has just been stumped, and he's thinking, 'Where did he go?' and the rabbit's thinking, 'I can't believe I pulled one over on this guy!'"
"Originally I was going to use the classic snowshoe hare that I'm sure everyone expects, because its coat is white and would help it hide a little better, but then I decided to try something different. Now I'm waiting for someone to say 'Ah-ha! You put an Eastern Cottontail in the West and they don't belong there,' so I can say. 'Ah-ha! It's a Nuttrall, which is the western counterpart of the Eastern Cottontail!'"
Print released 1992
offset litho, 1250 s/n
Current Availability: Sold Out at Publisher / Secondary Market Pricing Applies / Please Email for Cost.
Dimensions: 24" x 13"


Issue Price: $175.00

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